Use "genome|genomes" in a sentence

1. Hence, there was an increase in the number of mitochondrial genomes per nuclear genome in the mutant strain.

2. In this regard, we present bioinformatic analyses that show: (i) aspecific, spurious Annealings of the available primers in multiple homologous sites of the human genome; (ii) strict homologies between whole XMRV genome and interspersed repetitive elements widespread in mammalian genomes

3. Brig is a free cross-platform (Windows/Mac/Unix) application that can display circular comparisons between a large number of genomes, with a focus on handling genome assembly data.

4. Brig is a cross-platform (Windows/Mac/Unix) application that can display circular comparisons between a large number of genomes, with a focus on handling genome assembly data

5. Comparative analysis of the available whole genomes of Cucurbit species provides evidence in support of the model in which the wax gourd genome is the most ancestral karyotype of the Cucurbit

6. The genomes of our single-celled ancestors

7. Cetacean Genomes Project Samples Obtaining appropriate samples is the first and most critical step in assembling Cetacean genomes

8. Furthermore, cancer genomes are often aneuploid.

9. You probably hear about genomes these days.

10. 3 Bacterial genes can transfer to eukaryotic host genomes.

11. Mapping the Caprine Genome is the genome database of goat provided French Biotechnology Laboratory.

12. Cancer Genome Interpreter Annotates the biological and clinical relevance of tumor alterations Genome Med

13. The study demonstrated the following: (i) species that shared a basic genome showed more similar hybridization fragment patterns than species with different genomes, whether with pHchl or pHch3; (ii) hybridization with pHchl revealed the presence of certain fragments limited to the species with a H genome; and (iii) the alloploid nature of species like H. jubatum was confirmed.

14. Key words: wheat, allopolyploidy, genome evolution, chromosome- or genome-specific sequences, sequence elimination, homoeologous chromosome differentiation.

15. How to Circularize genome assemblies

16. An Overview of Genome Anatomies

17. Ensembl Bacteria is a browser for Bacterial and archaeal genomes

18. Oleracea (C genome) versus Brassica rapa (A genome), we concluded that Bot1 has encountered several rounds of amplification in the oleracea genome only, and has played a major role in the recent rapa and oleracea genome divergence.

19. The plant has a single 'haploid' genome, rather than a double genome from male and female parents.

20. Glycine spp., allopolyploidy, chromosome pairing, genome.

21. Genomes are linear, double-stranded DNA, around 33-244kb in length.

22. Genome sequence alignment apparatus and method

23. Genome size varies greatly between species.

24. A tool to Circularize genome assemblies

25. A genome mainly consists of Autosomes

26. And now, we've mapped its genome.

27. The Axolotl genome assembly created by Dr

28. Wild type and deleted mitochondrial genome maps.

29. Over many generations, the genomes of organisms can change significantly, resulting in evolution.

30. In Archeal genomes, the clustering of trpE and trpG was most prominent

31. Alga (ALgorithm for Genome Assembly) is a genome-scale de novo sequence assembler based on the overlap graph approach

32. We describe a new computer system, called ArachnE, for assembling genome sequence using paired-end whole-genome shotgun reads

33. To examine bias in cytoplasmic DNA inheritance in these hybridizations, the sequence of the 3' end of the chloroplast ndhF gene was compared among 29 allopolyploid Triticeae species containing the St nuclear genome in combination with the H, I, Ns, P, W, Y, and Xm nuclear genomes.

34. That means each somatic cell of the plant contains two complete genome copies (diploid) and each genome has ten chromosomes.

35. The year Venter sequenced the human genome.

36. Therefore, functional genome systematics comes into forth.

37. Hi, are there any tools which can Circularize genome PacBio assemblies/reads? I have an assembly identify circular RNA without reference genome

38. The genome would fill 428 of such volumes.

39. The genome codes for 40 to 415 proteins.

40. Genome: the genetic complement of a living organism.

41. The number of Cage tags mapped at specific locations in the genome provides quantification on promoter activities on a genome-wide scale.

42. A genome primarily contains Autosomes in large numbers

43. Key words: genome, meiosis, autoploid, alloploid, homology, homoeology.

44. Here's an image of your classic genome sequencer.

45. Abyss is a de novo sequence assembler intended for short paired-end reads and large genomes

46. Malaria parasites contain apicoplasts, organelles usually found in plants, complete with their own genomes.

47. The Human Genome Project, or a Mars Rover mission.

48. Key words: allopolyploidy, genome evolution, ESTs, retrotransposons, DNA methylation.

49. Autotetroploid rice has double genome compared with diploid rice.

50. The human genome bears witness to this process, too.

51. 9930 (chineselong) genome version 3 and Cucurbita argyrosperma subsp

52. The genome of the honeybee is yielding some clues.

53. Perhaps the most interesting genomes do both : They are a panacea and a Pandora's box.

54. These Anchorings used the Hg15 draft of the Human genome

55. Reams of data lost. And the original genome was destroyed.

56. The difference between autosome and sex chromosome is that Autosomes are chromosomes that possess the whole genome except the genome that is sex-related

57. In the north, the genome was fixed for metacentric chromosomes whereas at the southern limit, the genome was homozygous for acrocentric and telocentric chromosomes.

58. The difference between Autosome and sex chromosome is that Autosomes are chromosomes that possess the whole genome except the genome that is sex-related

59. Ancestral whole-genome duplication in the marine Chelicerate horseshoe crabs.

60. Augustus is a program to find genes and their structures in one or more genomes.

61. A genome draft of the legless Anguid lizard, Ophisaurus gracilis

62. Ani has been widely used to compare two prokaryotic genome sequences when classifying and identifying bacteria by calculating the Ani value of two prokaryotic genome sequences

63. The genome of sugarcane Bacilliform virus (ScBV), a badnavirus, consists of a circular dsDNA. The complete sequence of a cloned infective ScBV genome is reported here

64. A Catalase that is encoded in the genome of human

65. Unlike the Acclimation, adaptation results in irreversible changes to genome

66. We can also envision a romantic use of the genome.

67. I offer insight gained from the fire ant genome project.

68. Genome of the Land Snail Albinuria cornlea Evi Hatzoglou, George C

69. Aegilops, allopolyploidy, DNA content, DNA sequence elimination, genome size, Triticum, wheat.

70. Researchers just mapped the genome of a female platypus from Australia.

71. Baculovirus has a small genome, simple molecular biological characteristics, and a variety of endonuclease cut sites on the genome. (2) Large foreign genes can be accommodated

72. PROCOGEN is strongly committed to advancing knowledge of conifer genomes and their function, as well as technology transfer.

73. Crispr is an acronym for “Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats.” Crispr genome engineering technology enables scientists to easily and precisely edit the DNA of any genome

74. The nuclear genome contains approximately 50% repetitive DNA sequence in rice. Amplification and introgression of repetitive DNA sequences in the genome of higher eukaryotes are unknown clearly.

75. Arboviruses possess RNA genomes capable of rapid diversification and adaptation, and the between-host trade-offs …

76. They're going to work on the genomes of the passenger pigeon and the band- tailed pigeon.

77. They're going to work on the genomes of the passenger pigeon and the band-tailed pigeon.

78. But in the zygote the male and female genomes remain separate until the zygote itself divides.

79. This technology allows rapid sequencing of large stretches of DNA and RNA base pairs spanning entire genomes.

80. Summary: The Arthropodan Mitochondrial Genomes Accessible database (AMiGA) is a relational database developed to help in managing access to the increasing amount of data arising from developments in Arthropodan mitochondrial genomics (136 mitochondrial genomes as of September 2005)